Week Fourteen: Science Fiction Parody and Satire
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy What is the meaning of life? How many times have you asked yourself that question? How important is knowing the answer? The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy seems to revolve around these questions. This book tries to flip your preconceived thoughts about the meaning of life on its head to make you really think deeply about yourself and your importance in anything. We are nothing but a spec in the whole scheme of things, but yet when someone does you wrong it is the end of the world to you. Why? Why do we think we are so important? People have a natural longing to know the answer to the meaning of life. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, this is addressed. Arthur confesses that he has had this feeling that everything must have meant more. Slartibartfast explains that everyone has that feeling and it means nothing, nothing means anything. This book is just trying to get you to think, but if nothing means anything then why do anything? T...